Rae Klein

There is no end in sight, 2024
Oil on linen
50 x 46 in
Courtesy of the artist and Nicodim Gallery

Suggested retail value: $20,000
Starting bid: $12,000

About the Artwork

Rae Klein’s practice is a Jungian commentary on the ever-evolving battle royale between man and nature from a feminine perspective. Her subjects are often household objects largely stripped of context and presented with a haunting—occasionally threatening—serenity. In There is no end in sight, Klein introduces one of her iconic motifs: what appears to be a recently abandoned fine table setting suspended in a blue sky. A sip of wine remains in a glass, an uneaten roll waits on a plate. The painting is a stage set of sorts, the objects gathered within akin to Chekhov’s gun, loaded with some impending, yet-to-be-defined action or chaos. The work lives within pregnant pauses, exquisite silences sticky with the threat of future storms. Klein’s recent exhibitions include DISEMBODIED, curated by Ben Lee Ritchie Handler, Nicodim, Los Angeles; POWERPLAY, Nicodim, New York; Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest: 10 Years, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest; Last Night I Dreamt I Was Running, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest; LOW VOICE OUT LOUD, Nicodim, Los Angeles; The Comfort in Calamity, Jessica Silverman, San Francisco; BODYLAND, curated by Lauren Taschen, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin; End of Eden, Galerie Wolfsen, Aalborg; Todo es de Color, The Curator’s Room, Amsterdam; Paper., BEERS London; and Waiting in the Field, The Valley, Taos, New Mexico. 


Bidding is available from May 19-June 6.

1) Text 'READY TO BID' or call 628-279-6010.


2) Visit the Headlands Auction Exhibition to see the artwork and bid via pencil & paper.

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